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Having Two Children. Who Move.

LITTLE BABE HAS STARTED TO MOVE. This means we now have two children who move about the place. 

It is pretty serious stuff! Tot is two and Little Babe is nine months. Tot likes to do "runnen" and Little Babe is a whippet at crawling.

Furniture is no obstacle. Furniture is part of the course. 

Little Babe likes to SCALE everything after she's crawled over to it. This includes the sofa, the coffee table, the stairgate etc... In particular, she likes to do some kind of King Kong impression by scaling the side of the doll's house and scooping up small people, and chewing their puny heads (in fact, I think even King Kong was less canibal than that, wasn't he?)

Tot, meanwhile, also favours moving upwards in direction. She has always been a climber, and is persistent in her attempts to clamber into the cot; perch on the windowsil; and has been known to reach the summit of the dining table! We really do watch over them closely, but we're dealing with mountain goats.

However, having two moving children (often in different directions,) has meant a few things have gone a little unspotted... 

The other week, we began losing odd toddler shoes. Where can they be?! I fretted. Clarks shoes don't come cheap, people. I had to find them. I checked all the usual places, like the toy box and the changing bag. I didn't bother checking the shoe rack because, as a parent, what I have learnt is that they will never be there.

To no avail, Tot had to go out in whatever matching pair I could muster (this often resulted in a cow-themed pair of Adidas trainers- much to my husband's despair.) However, whilst getting some work done of an afternoon, I went to go and plug in our rather old printer when I spotted 'toes' coming out of the front of it. Not actual toes, but the toes of a few pairs of shoes poking out- and yes- they were the missing shoes!

They were neatly wedged in and lined up as if this was some sort of weird designer shoe space. She'd certainly give 'George Clark's Amazing Spaces' a good run for his money, wouldn't she?!

Maybe we'll apply for the show, because Tot also keeps putting one of her card games in the letterbox. She thinks she's tidying up because she keeps telling us, "I love tidying up!" 

Long may it last. (She doesn't get it from me...) We've probably confused the postman, though.

Getting ready to go out with two moving children provides additional challenge. In particular, Little Babe has developed a detest for getting dressed, and her limbs go off like fireworks. Imagine Kung-Fu Panda on fast forward and that's what it's like trying to get the girl in leggings/socks/cardigans...

Little Babe loves being on the move though- and it's fun to see her smile and chuckle away between rooms! She loves to follow after her big sis, and will often crawl after Tot. Tot also loves this- but for different reasons: Tot likes to throw a ball at Little Babe and shout, "Fetch!" Why do children like being dogs so much?

I can imagine it wont be long until Little Babe responds with woofing.....because, like people say, they really do grow up so fast!

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