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Play Ideas with Post-it Notes

Feeling inventive, I had a pack of post-it notes laying around and decided to conjure up some games for Tot and I…

1. Stepping stone trail. I laid the Post it notes out in different trails and led the way, ‘stepping' across them. Tot loved following! She’s starting to count too, so we counted as we went.

2. Window Wipe Out. Patio doors... stuck a load of Post-its on the glass and encouraged Tot to peel each one off. This would’ve been a good opportunity for a ‘race,’ but Tot is a bit too young yet!

3. Flick Story. There was a swimming fish... who swum off the pages...

4. Post-it note Hunt I stuck a load of post-its around the room, encouraging Tot to see if she could find them!

5. Put the Post-it... I challenged Tot to stick post-its to various objects in the room, putting her brilliant knowledge to the test: “Can you put the post-it on the sofa?” “Can you put the post-it on the door handle?” This did also end up being body parts...hence the pic!!

Hope this might be of some use to a fellow parent person out there!

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