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Clogs, Cuteness and Climbing

Our two year old Tot is a climber. No word of a lie: she used the clothes 'horse' as a ladder the other day. It was leaning against the patio doors and, seeing as she was in no danger, I thought I would just witness what was going to happen. Turns out, we have a orangutan for a child, as she had no problem quickly zipping half way up it before I hooked her off it! I say 'hooked,' it really was like trying to prise a primate from a tree: she did not want to let go and her little fingers had the grip strength of the Mighty Hulk.

Little Babe, now 7 months, looked on admirably. I think she thought her older sister had clambered Everest or something! She had a huge grin across her face and- if a baby could've clapped - Little Babe would've given Tot a good, old round of applause!

I, myself, had to do some climbing the other day- up a ladder and into the loft. I was determined to go in search of our 'Rainforest Jumperoo,' as it's about time Little Babe got some use of it! If you're unsure of what I'm talking about, the 'Rainforest Jumperoo' is basically like some small-scale bungee contraption for babies...except it has a dangly soft frog, a floppy flying thing flopping about, as well as a sunshine in a ball, which- as we all know- is very representative of real-life Rainforests...

Our Jumperoo has certainly turned more 'bungee' than 'baby bouncer' though, as Tot likes to get involved when Little Babe is in it, and gives her little sister an experience that Adrenaline-Junkies-Out-There would probably pay for... Of course we supervise, intervene and the likes- but it isn't helped by the fact that Little Babe cackles with delight when she is pinging about on, what is essentially, a seat attached to springs. Is it wrong I'd quite like one myself??

I am really pleased that our little girls get on so well already. I often tell them that they are "Cute" and, also hilariously, Tot has picked up on this to copy. At the moment, everything that could be cute is "cute."

Me: "Tot, what do you think of your leggings today?"

Tot: "Cute!"

Me: "Tot, here's your breakfast, it's weetabix."

Tot: "CUTE!"

Me: "Oooohhh no, your sister's filled her nappy!"


It's so funny having a toddler starting to put things into context!

Finally- one more thing that is CUTE at the moment is Tot's new obsession with shoes. To be fair, she has got some pretty cool shoes. For everyday wear, she has a classic pair of Clarks (we are sensible parents, really, you see...) But for the farm and for walks she has these brilliant Adidas "Cow Shooos," and also a strong pair of wellies that she is very dedicated to wearing anytime she is out of the house.

Indoors, however, she has taken a serious liking to a pair of clogs given by her Godmother as a fun gift. Watching Tot wear them to play in is so amusing: she actually TOTTERS! Picture a lamb swaggering in stilettos: that's the walk she's mastered! It's amazing!

And Little Babe? Well- she just likes to chew the clogs (when Tot's not wearing them.) Obviously. Chewy Clogs: what more could you want at 7 months old??! Clogs are literally win-win all round!

I'd quite like some myself. I told my husband this, and kept my face dead pan and serious. I told him I'd like a wooden pair, for wearing in the garden. His response?

Stunned. It was one of the only times I have ever shocked him into a lengthy silence...

And so, folks, clogs are confusing, yet wonderful. Chew-able, yet weird... But fingers crossed our Tot doesn't try any of her climbing antics whilst wearing them...!

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