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You're a Parent on the Isle of Wight When...

Recently, I had a bit of a strange experience in the Doctor surgery...

I was sat in the waiting room with a dopey Tot splayed sleepily across my lap and our little Babe zonked in the pushchair, so I had time to myself people...and I don't mean that in a creepy way, know what I mean?!?

As I looked around I recognised three others. Typical Isle of Wight. One person I could recall how I knew them, but the other two, I just could not place! Why on earth did I recognise them so much?! 

One of the women had a baby with her: baby groups perhaps? Then it dawned on me... I recognised them- individually- as regular 'posters' on one of the Island's Facebook parent groups!! Is that sad?? 

And then I realised that I knew one of these ladies was probably there for the mastitis she'd been posting about...

And the lady with the baby had posted a pic of her son's green poo yesterday.... so, go figure....!

Anyway, this got me thinking. We're a small Isle. Experiences like this make it seem even smaller. And I'm pretty sure that- now as an Island parent- there's other experiences that we all quite commonly share in! 

Here's what I think they are:

1) On the topic of Facebook posts, you know you're an IOW parent when someone writes on these groups: 'Does anybody know the opening times of Medina swimming pool?'

*Sigghhhh.* Just Google it?

2) And then there's the pregnant and/or breastfeeding women asking for the best place to buy maternity or nursing clothes...surely there must be an abundance of places selling these clothes on the Island?! 

Nope. Just Mothercare it is.

3) You also know you're a pregnant lady on the IOW when you consider wearing over-sized sunnies or a full-on disguise for that 'secretive' 12 week scan. You're bound to see someone you know up at St Mary's. And it will obviously be that one person most likely to tell your Mum before you do... 

4) Coming back to the topic of shops- you know you're an IOW parent when you feel like a maverick for discovering that Halfords sell and fit car seats as well as just Mothercare?! 


5) Regardless of the fandangled features of your child's car seat, you'd still always avoid Ryde-Freshwater drives, and vice versa. The consequences this 40 minute 'car nap' would have on the nap routine would be serious infringement on your child's bedtime (AKA 'adult-wind-down-wine-down' o'clock.)

6) These coastal towns are lovely. But, let's be honest, you tell mainlanders how lovely it is to bring your child up 'on the beach' and make it sound like you partially live as mermaids. 

Reality is: you probs only take the kids twice a year to the beach. Sandy sarnies; fights over ice cream; and catching crabs (of the creature kind) is something you have to gear up for...

7) So instead you all latch on to the latest local kid friendly place: everyone's at The Breeze at the min, right? We've not been there yet, no, but we will. Of course we will.

8) As an Island parent, you also start (window?) shopping in M&S.  You can park in parent spaces. You can get a cuppa. You don't have to go outside in the rain. And there is baby changing. All bases covered. (Arguably you could also do these things at Morrisons too, but you're pulling off the 'posh parent persona' for the afternoon...) #livingthedream

9) And then there's the big decision on which season pass to get: Robin Hill? Blackgang? Tapnell? English Heritage, etc.? You could almost make a spreadsheet to weigh up your pros and cons.

10) Finally, there is one defining moment when you know for sure you're a parent on the Isle of Wight...and it is actually at Robin Hill...

It is a monumental moment. Quite literally.

You are truly an IOW parent when you make it up THAT HILL with a pushchair!!

Yes, you know which bit I mean! 

You are made of the stuff of superheroes if you can make it past the Squirrel Run without breaking a sweat! 

And don't forget, this is after you've been to Africa; run ragged round the maze; and done ten trips on the Toboggan Run (oh yes- we do have Toboggans on the Island, you know!!!)

Us Isle of Wight parents have arms of steel! Must be the chalk in our water. Or strength from our dinosaur ancestors... :)

What do you reckon?!


Mum on an Island


P.S We love Robin Hill and go often- I'm gonna have Popeye arms after me and the double buggy are done this summer!

PS. If you could be so kind as to pop me a nomination for the Brilliance in Blogging Award, under the 'Family & Lifestyle' category, I'd be massively appreciative 

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