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Cash 4 Kids (Wave105): Limerick-athon

As you may have realised by now, I rather like creative writing  (or 'creative typing,' should it be called?!) So I've decided to try and put that enjoyment to a bit of good use and do something for charity.

I often listen to Wave 105 and they are running a fundraiser to raise money to support Cash for Kids. It's local and for kids- both things I'm keen to support. The fundraiser is called '1000 faces,' where 1000 listeners opt to raise £100 for charity in whatever way they choose. I liked what I heard about the charity and was keen to get involved!

And so.....I am going to do a LIMERICK-ATHON by writing light hearted limericks under the theme ‘being with children.’ (Limericks are basically 5 line poems that are usually light hearted and a bit silly in content...!)

I am asking you to donate £1 and then suggest to me an anecdote or idea about ‘being with children’ that I can turn into a limerick. Obviously more than £1 is great too- but my aim is to have published (at least) 100 limericks to this post within the year of fundraising!

Please see more information on my fundraising page...and help me to raise the money! Here's the link: my fundraising page!

And so....the LIMERICK-ATHON starts now (I've started us off!):

1. Mum on and Island

There was once a mum who forgot:

Forgot what she'd forgotten, a lot,

They say baby brain

Happens over again

Even when baby's turned into tot!

 2. Mum on an Island

There was once a Mum who was late,

For the park, for lunch, and play date,

Her child happened to vomit,

Just when she was ' on it-'

How lateness as a parent is fate!

3. Limerick for Kay (Thank you for your donation! X)

There once was a Mummy not 'hands free,'

So instead she used her foot, you see,

To wipe up the floor,

To open the door-

Even guide her tot to the chair for tea!

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