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A Replacement ending to The Replacement

I'm a bit behind the times here: we've only just binge-watched the three part BBC series, The Replacement, on iplayer. 'Everyone' was talking about it, so it had to be done. 

If you're not 'everyone,' and it's something you'd like to watch, stop reading this now, as I'm about to jump on the online bandwagon for discussing the finale of the show. 

Personally, I was utterly confused by the ending. I had to Google it. I still couldn't make sense of it. It was enjoyable to watch- very thrilling- but for me I couldn't knit any of the plot together at the end.

So...I've decided to replace the ending to The Replacement with my own idea. I'm keen to hear others' thoughts and ideas (bit of 'adult discussion' for me.....not that I mind spending hours of my day answering tot 6000 times, who says "wass at" at EVERYTHING. "It's a spoon." "It's a bit of dirt." "It's thin air.")

Anyway- imaginary ending- here goes:

  • I'm jumping in from where Ellen and her husband were on the phone: her husband was accusing her of having taken baby Lia from the balcony area. 

  • Instead of hanging up on Ian, her husband, Ellen should have just stated very clearly, "I have not taken Lia. I do not have Lia." Simples

  • When the texts came through from creepy Paula, 'I am where she died,' Ellen should have informed Ian. Whether he thought she was still being a fruit cake or not, that would have just made more sense.

  • Ellen should then have rung the police because that's WHAT YOU WOULD DO. Right? Someone has stolen your baby! This is your chance to prove it! Send the police, Ellen, you wombat!

  • Police and both women would've shown up at the road where Caris had died in the hit and run. Still quite dramatic, methinks.

  • All would realise Lia the baby isn't there. Police priority should be to find the baby. Ellen would clock on and suggest the library. Cue tense music: e minor, b minor, b minoorrr....

  • I would completely eliminate Ellen getting in the car with Paula; taking drugs; being locked in the car in the garage; attempting suicide as instructed by Paula; managing to rouse from near-death in order to hot wire the car; smash her way out of the garage and then have enough energy to run home and then on to the library!! Brilliantly thrilling as it may have been, I have seen more logical ideas from The Twirly Woos (and that's saying something, with Great BigHoo and Toodloo as my basis!) 

  • Police, Paula and Ellen would all go to the library. This would basically force Paula to hand herself in/get caught out and therefore explain the quick arrest.

  • When they reach the library, Ellen's husband could already be there and have found Lia. As far as he would've been concerned, the text which read: 'where she died' would have been interpreted by him as being the place where Kay had died. 

  • The story could finish with the arrest, on the assumption that they'd all need to be questioned and Ellen, Ian and Lia all share in a family hug. I know that's not an original idea (*ahhh family hugs*) but we all like a family hug scene, don't we? We could have all had a quick 'BBC-drama-grizzle' at that bit, right?!

  • Ellen could cry woefully in the embrace- we don't need to then cut to all that 'here I am, amazing mother now, reading my child a book about buildings at Kay's grave' malarkey. We get it-  just show her crying hard: that'd neatly sum up the 'thank God that's over, I'm gonna get my shizzle together' sentiment that I think the ending was aiming for.

  • Then roll those credits! Boom

  • Yes? No? Interested to hear your thoughts on the ending! Right....what's next on the box?! 

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