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Baby's Got Skillllz.

Baby's now 7 months old! Mad! Bonkers! Where did that time go??

And I know, I've not blogged since JANUARY. Now is APRIL.

What have I been doing all this time?

I'm not entirely sure. All I can say is that a 7 month old baby requires much more entertainment than a newborn and we've been having a lot of fun together, therefore I've just been very preoccupied! Gone are the days of her having long naps and me settling down with a cuppa to write....get used to it, hey?!

Oh – and food- most of my days now seem to revolve around buying food or preparing food or eating food. Often we wear food.

It's like I'm now a cross between a clown and Gordon Ramsey. But less 'sweary.' And more mucky.

I undoubtedly have a newfound respect for people with more than one small child.

I have a 7 month old baby and I already feel that if anybody wants to see me (normally they just want to see the baby – ha...!) be aware that you'll be entering an arena of mushy veg, piles of pyrex dishes and a plethora of plastic spoons. The kitchen is basically now our home. I should add it to the first line of my address:

1 Puree in Hair

The Kitchen

Finger Foods



Aside from being a kitchen resident, the rest of my time is spent in awe of our little girly, who gets funnier every day.

For example, we were just sitting there one evening whilst she was laying down playing and the next thing we know there's a kind of slurping noise. As a new(ish) parent, every new noise equals an immediate response from us....But it turns out baby was casually there...just sucking her big toe.... like a you do...

Why is that a thing? I do wonder at what point the human brain says, “Hey! There's a cool thing! Is it mine? I'll taste it! Hmm...... This tastes like the finger that I own, except more cheesy. How confusing. ”

Now any time her toe is exposed it goes straight into her mouth. She spent much of her time in the swimming pool the other day with her toe in her mouth, as every time I went to float her on her back, her bottom half would emerge with her feet over her head. It effectively looked like I had re-invented our child into a non-prickly floating hedgehog wearing a 'swimming' nappy.

This did later result in my Husband and I trying to see if we could suck our own toes (I thought it looked easy,) but it turns out we can't.

Then there's the more 'expected' skills that she can now do, such as rolling; sitting independently; and attempting to move across the floor.

Baby's initial attempts at rolling made her look like a potato falling off a plate. It was so entertaining to witness the slow momentum she first required to huff and puff her little body over onto her tummy, and then kind of plop down into a heap- bless her! She's more skilled at it now though- I'd use the word nifty!

And Baby has just started backwards shuffling the past week. Not long until we will need to properly baby proof the house (I’ll have to keep on top of cleaning the floors- gah!- would it be acceptable to attach cloths to her little knees and let her do it as she goes??) It’s a tad frustrating for her going backwards though. She’ll be aiming for something ahead of her and find herself sliding away. It’s a bit like watching the end scene in Titanic where Jack slips off the ice berg (why didn’t Rose just budge up a bit?) except obviously far less dramatic and tragic. It’s just the way she’s practically up on all fours and then her bum suddenly drops down; her arms push; then she slides backwards!

And sitting up...well...learning to do that definitely did make her look like she was on par with drunks at a bar. We did the whole pillow fort thing too. Much of the time I think she thought the pillows were just there as large edible objects though...giant marshmellows...or puff pastries...

Anyway, as you can see, the past few months have really just been about her mastering these skills and us watching her do these things: sometimes laughing; sometimes clapping and encouraging her along; sometimes inhaling deep breaths (Is she going to fall over?! Choke?! Please don't hit yourself too hard with that toy!) Even with such a young human being, there's already a sense of having to let her be independent in her learning (gahhhh- sounding sickeningly like a teacher- my bad....)

But- sometimes I have to let her tumble onto the pillow fort, even when she looks like tangled spaghetti and my parent-head panics that she's broken all of her limbs.

Sometimes I have to let her gag on lumpy, soft food so she learns how to eat and chew, even though old parent-head starts replaying the Heimlich manoeuvre in my mind.

And sometimes I have to let her bash her toys against her skin. I guess she's learning touch. Texture. Movement. Speed. Pressure..... It's amazing, really.

So all in all, although it seems like I don't have much to blog about, just writing this makes me realise that our little person has been extremely busy indeed!!

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